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Week 10

Woche 10

Kata 17:

Find supplemental content to the source you analyzed in Task 2. Ideally, you will find explanations that confirm or contradict the information provided or answer the questions raised in the presentation of your basic content. Dive deeper into your topic by finding and analyzing new content. Has your judgment changed? Have your assessments been confirmed? Keep working on your content. Share your insights!

Provide your Circle members or your community with the arranged content elements or modules for review and ask them for feedback. This can be done using a small test guide to help the reviewers. It's best if everyone looks at one module or the review is split evenly so it's not too much for one reviewer.

Kata 18:

Almost there. Get to work incorporating feedback from your lernOS colleagues into your curated content and finalizing it. It doesn't have to be perfect. It won't be finished here either. It is the beginning of a learning journey.

Are there people you want to show your curated content to in advance and exclusively? People you trust to give you honest feedback? Send them an access to your content and be happy.
