Week 11
Week 11 - Content sharing and discussion.
We've talked a lot about networks, the value of Trusted Guides, and social media in curating over the past few weeks. Now it's time to give back to your community. Don't wait until your blog, video, or podcast is perfect and meets all your standards. They probably never will. And there will always be people who don't like your content. And there will be those who will chafe at your content, insights and opinions. Those are likely to be the most valuable, the ones who inspire you to question, test, and evolve your executions in collaboration.
Start actively sharing your content, insights and recommendations. You can do this either internally in your organization via the intranet or internal social networks (e.g. Microsoft Yammer or HCL Connections) or externally on the internet via social media, your blog or networks.
Ideally, you will also succeed in sharing your ideas in talks, barcamps, meetups, podcasts and presentations. This will not only help you expand your network, but also sharpen your sensemaking skills.
Some platforms we recommend out of very many where you can share your content:
Microsoft 365, e.g. Onenote and Teams, to share your content with your team
Enterprise Social Networks e.g. Microsoft Yammer or HCL Connections
Kata 19:
Recommend a YouTube video, podcast or blog post that you find particularly valuable on Twitter. Try to describe the added value in short words and keyword it with #hashtags so that it can be easily found even by interested people who don't follow you. Monitor the reaction to your post.
Discuss in The lernOS Group if and how your description could be improved.
Kata 20:
You've been working hard on your curated content for the past two weeks. And you've already tested it in your lernOS group. Now it's time to get out there.
Use your favorite social network (internal and/or external) and recommend your curated content. Ask well-connected colleagues for their opinion -- they'll be sure to recommend it if they like your post. Monitor and respond quickly and constructively to feedback. Ask for ideas and comments.... Stay tuned to your topic.
Congratulations - you did it! You have actively curated and gone public with "your" topic. And you have started your own personal learning journey and let others share in it.
How does it feel to learn out loud? Share your experiences and feelings.