Week 12
Week 12 - Putting content to the test
Many of you will wonder why this point is mentioned here in the guide. It is about content maintenance, which is especially important for elaborately curated sources, e.g. creating permalinks so that links remain visible on your site even if the structure of your source changes. This is of course not done for aggregation and link recommendations, but for example for annotated link collections, essays etc.
To keep your collected sources and content and their assessment of the topic up to date, you should look at them again and again and critically examine whether they are still relevant and helpful enough or whether there are new findings or sources in the meantime. Good curation means living and developing your content. This can be done e.g. by:
Check and recheck content
Create permalinks and test links
Incorporate new knowledge and adapt content
Create new knowledge links and make them visible
Lessons Learned
Now the time has come. After 12 weeks, the last round of the Circle is coming to an end and it's time to look back on these weeks. At the end, feel free to discuss what the biggest insights, surprises, or challenges were for you in dealing with content curation and share with the others.
The following questions can serve as a guide:
What do you take away as crucial experiences / highlights from the last weeks?
What were the most important milestones / development steps for you?
What did you miss or fall short of in the Circle or in the creation of curated content?
What are your plans for content curation and what do you want to achieve next?
What activities or requirements might there be in the future to link your curated content together or even continue together?
Kata 21:
Go through one of your enriched content/posts together at a time and ask yourself the following questions and discuss them together:
- Are the most important sources still relevant and in the right order? (Ranking)
- Does the rationale still fit why they are particularly important? (Persönliche Bewertung)
- Are there recent supplemental graphics and learning videos (learning) If needed, do a fact check again if you think there may be outdated content with certain sources or "steered" information may have emerged.
Kata 22 - Last exercise: PARTY
Yay, hooray, you did it -- studied together for 12 weeks, didn't give up, kept at it and learned so much about curating, not only theoretically, but also practically. And you have built a relationship of trust with each other during this time that is at least as valuable as the work you have done together and from which you will benefit for a long time to come. That's why now is the time to celebrate. Get together for a joint event (in person or online) and celebrate!
We hope you enjoyed the learning journey with our lernOS guide, learned a lot with and from each other, and are now enthusiastic curators. We, Stefan @sdiepolder, Herta @he_schuster and Marcel @maki_am had a lot of fun writing this content curation guide, we also learned a lot from each other and are happy if we can learn from you as well. Please send us your feedback so that we can improve the guide.
Thank you very much!