Week 5 (Create permanent notes)
Week 5 - Create permanent notes
you will be dealing with permanent notes, notes that you can use over and over again.
As preparation
- [ ] Kata 8: Create permanent notes
In the Weekly
- [ ] Check in (2 minutes per member)
What has been on your mind this past week related to personal knowledge management?
Guiding questions
- What is the benefit of talking titles?
- How can you ensure that a note actually refers to a single idea?
- How can you make the title of a note as meaningful as possible and give a quick overview of the note's content?
- How can one ensure that the length of a note is appropriate and allows the idea to be captured quickly?
- To what extent does it help knowledge management to organize notes into atomic units?
- How do you proceed when you come across a note that does not adhere to the criteria? What steps are necessary to adjust it?
- To what extent is it beneficial to build up the titles of notes as a sentence and how can this be implemented?
- [ ] Check Out (1 minute per member)
What are your plans for next week?