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During the process of creating this circle guide there were a number of loyal companions who were always there to help and advise us.

Therefore we would like to thank all of them once again very much:

  1. to the members of the initial lernOS circle from which this guide was developed for the intensive, productive and open exchange - that is Alfred, Helmut, Herta, Judith, Marcel and Stefan,

  2. to our sketch artist Katrin for the great enrichment of this guide with her illustrations and her voluntary work,

  3. to Simon for the lernOS idea that came from his pen and the support and feedback in technical and organizational questions,

  4. to the krasseherde resp. the Corporate Learning and lernOS community for the great, valuable peer reviews to refine the guide,

  5. and of course to our partners and families for the considerate support of this mostly voluntary / honorary work beside the daily business!


Version 0.1 28.11.2019 After ending of the lernOS OKR-Circle and first continuation with Herta and Stefan

Version 0.3 06.01.2020 After continuation without meeting over the turn of the year and first meeting 2020

Version 0.4 20.03.2020 To present the interim status at the Corporate Learning Camp digital clcdigital20

Version 0.5 29.04.2020 To present the interim results at the clc30 regional meeting in the Barcamp part of MOOCamp 2020

Version 0.6 31.05.2020 Learning path content largely completed and made available for internal review

Version 0.8 11.06.2020 Learning path content finalized and prepared for publication

Version 0.9 23.06.2020 Completion of the guide and submission as session at the lernOS All Stars Camp

Version 1.0 17.10.2020 Finalization of the guide including a detailed revision and translation into English
