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lernOS Flow - Workflow for modern working and learning

Flow](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_(Psychologie)) refers to the feeling of a mental state experienced as blissful, in which you are concentrated and completely absorbed in an activity. In flow, there is a good balance between the demands of the activity and one's own abilities, so that there is neither overload nor underload. In order to bring concentration and focus together in our fast and complex world of life and work, you need a good system for this, with which you are able to organize yourself.

For the lernOS Flow are therefore on 13-week cycles, which are called lernOS Sprints in the style of Scrum. Each sprint begins with planning and goal setting (week 0) and ends with a retrospective (week 12). The four quarters of a year are a good rhythm, but you can adapt this to your preference.

lernOS Sprint

The lernOS Flow is a workflow that knowledge workers and lifelong learners can use for their self-organization. For this purpose, practice-proven methods and approaches are used:

  1. Objectives & Key Results (OKR) for goal-oriented and focused work and learning by defining learning objectives and desired outcomes (see also OKR at Google).
  2. Getting Things Done (GTD) for productive and stress-free working and learning by structuring self-organization through a 5-step process (see also GTD by David Allen).
  3. Working Out Loud (WOL) for openly sharing work results across the network and telling backstories (see also WOL Definition by Bryce Williams, WOL Circle Guides by John Stepper).

In the lernOS Flow diagram, you can see the elements from each method by the color coding (OKR: red, GTD: green, WOL: blue):

The image is best read from left to right. There are two possible starting points (green circles) and one end point (red circle). With the lower starting point, one is more concerned with the short-term and operational handling of knowledge and learning. The upper starting point maps the long-term and strategic perspective (see also GTD - The 6 Horizons of Focus).

ProTip: if you work privately or professionally with Microsoft 365, you will find the Microsoft 365 edition of the lernOS flow in the appendix.